Meta Title:
- Should contain the main keyword for the page, followed by a brief description of the page content.
- Should be less than 65 characters.
- Avoid using stop words such as: a, am, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, com, de, en, for, from, how, in, is, it, la, of, on, or, that, the, this, to, was, what, when, where, who, will, with, www, we, you, your, me, mine, my, i.
- Your title tag should also be limited to the use of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and commas.
Meta Description:
- Should contain information about the page's content and persuade search engine users to visit your web site.
- Between 25 and 35 words in length.
- You may use Google's Keyword Tool:
Meta Keywords:
- Should contain between 5-10 keywords or keyword phrases that are also found in page content.
- Should use at least one H1 heading tag for the search engines that examine it when scanning your site.
- Pages must have 300 words.
- Each page of your site should contain links to every other page so search engine spiders can find every page. This is a critical step for the proper indexing and PageRank distribution of your site.
Have Sitemaps:
- It's important to use two site maps for your website--an XML version and a static version. The XML version can be created with search engine visibility's site map tool. The static version should sit on a static HTML page and contain links to every other page.
- You may use sitemap Generator:
- It's important that search engine spiders find your robots.txt file that guides spiders to pages and directories you want scanned and denies entry to protected areas of your site.
- Because search engines treat web sites as a grouping of pages and not a single entity, each page on your site should be unique so that the tags and content differ between each page. Doing so increases the number of pages that will rank.
- Each page should include a relevant image with a roper image tag. This makes your page more visually appealing and enables search engines to catalog the image.
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